
Accept payments & donations anywhere with PayMobile™ and Register™!

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Effortlessly capture donations from your supporters quickly and efficiently in times of need and throughout the year. Donor information is fully-integrated and secure within Corduro’s software.

Mobile Store

Give your donors the power to donate and order directly from their mobile device.
Allow donors to browse, pay, and checkout all in one place.


Reach your donors with the convenience of PayMobile™. Think of the app as a new communication channel to your donors. Tell them about the good you are doing. It’s an opportunity for guest receipting, push notifications, donations, volunteer opportunities and more.

Invite people to connect with your favorite organizations and earn special recognition for being a top performer as you build your PayMobile™ community. Share special offers, events, and exciting purchases with your friends – or tell your entire PayMobile™ community. Encourage everyone to get involved watch your rewards grow.

Register™ POS

Meet your donors face to face with our extensive point of sale app, Register™.

Use PayMobile™ to eliminate barriers by enabling the donors to donate, shop, and pay anywhere at anytime. Consumers can see all you have to offer and perform transactions directly from the app.

Start the sales process In-Store, let the consumer view and update from home via PayMobile™ or Online, and when they're ready, you can take a hands-free payment, send a payment request with the sales invoice, or the consumer can pay with PayMobile™.
